It very hot and humid during the summer months and very cool and musty during the winter.
The distance between Corpus Christi and El Paso, Texas is approximately 674 miles by road.
The distance between El Paso, Texas, and Miami, Florida, is approximately 1,500 miles when traveling by road. This may vary depending on the specific route taken and mode of transportation used.
Centroamérica es una región situada entre América del Norte y América del Sur, compuesta por siete países: Belice, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá. Los cinco continentes son: América, Europa, Asia, África y Oceanía.
551 miles taking this route:Take I-40 WEST from Amarillo to I-25 SOUTH to LAS CRUCES off EXIT 159B in ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO.Take I-25 SOUTH to I-10 EAST to EL PASO at END I-25 in Las Cruces.Take I-10 EAST to El Paso.
63.57 miles
609 miles
555 miles
38 miles
12 miles
It is 161 miles according to Google Maps.
411 miles on I-17 345 miles on 95
555.46 miles
Approximately 35 road miles.
about 35 miles
About 215 miles.
The address of the El Centro Public Library is: 539 State Street, El Centro, 92243 2973