The distance from San Jose, CA to Roseville, CA is approximately 140 miles.
The distance between San Jose, CA and Fairfax, CA is approximately 60 miles.
The distance between San Jose, CA and San Ramon, CA is approximately 35 miles.
The distance between Ashland, Oregon, and San Jose, California, is approximately 425 miles by road.
The distance from Mill Valley, CA to San Jose, CA is approximately 60 miles.
The distance from San Jose, CA to Roseville, CA is approximately 140 miles.
It is 151 miles from Fresno to San jose.
It is 84 miles from San Jose to Napa.
It is 117 miles from Sacramento to San Jose.
It is 393 miles from San Jose, Ca to Medford, OR.
Fresno is about 151 miles from san Jose.
Driving from Nashville to San Jose is 2266 miles.
It is 465 miles from Indio, Ca to San Jose,Ca.
From San Jose to Los Angeles is 340 miles.
It is 461 miles from San Jose to Palm Desert.
It is 78 road miles from san Jose to stockton.
The distance between San Jose, CA and Fairfax, CA is approximately 60 miles.