The distance between Akron, OH and St. Louis, MO is approximately 500 miles.
The distance from Columbia, MO to Hannibal, MO is approximately 120 miles.
Platte City, MO is approximately 30 miles northwest of Raytown, MO.
The driving distance between Springfield, MO and Atlanta, GA is approximately 650-700 miles, depending on the route taken.
The distance from Chicago to Joplin, MO is approximately 500 miles by road.
how many miles are there between springfield, missouri and nixa, missouri?
There are 127.919 miles between Joplin, MO and Lake Ozark, MO.
408 miles
It is 16.9 miles according to Googlle Maps.
It is 31.5 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 743 miles according to Google Maps.
The address of the Ozarks Steam Engine Association Inc is: 208 Pearl St, Nixa, MO 65714-8684
Mickey Owen was born April 4, 1916, in Nixa, MO, USA.
90 miles
90 miles
44 miles