The distance from Bradford, Ohio to Dayton, Ohio is around 45 miles.
From the postcode LA15 4AU which is in Scholes to Leeds Bradford International Airport it is 16 miles. It should take approx. 35 minutes to drive. Longer if you stop for a break or to refuel on route.
The distance between Berrien Springs and Long Lake Road in Berrien Springs is approximately 6 miles by road.
Madagascar is approximately 226,917 square miles in size.
about how many miles from maelbourne to ocala answer plize
Basildon to Bradford is 227 miles Basildon to Doncaster is 194 miles Doncaster to Bradford is 41 miles So Basildon to Doncaster via Bradford is 269 miles
120 miles
About 100 miles.
101 miles
About 200
None, as the city of Bradford is landlocked. The nearest coast is about 50 miles away in each direction.
If you are talking about Cambridge and Bradford, England, it is 180 miles taking this route:Take A14 to The MIDLANDS, from Cambridge, to M1 to The NORTH.Take M1 up to M62(W) to BRADFORD at J42.Take M62 to BRADFORD, via M602 (at J26) or via A650 (at J27).
69 road miles.
It is 495 miles according to Google Maps.
100 miles taking this route:Take M1 to the NORTH from Leicester to M62 to BRADFORD at J42. Follow signs on the ramp to M62 (W) to BRADFORD.Take M62 (W) to M606 to BRADFORD at J26.Follow M606 to Bradford.
If you're in Pennsylvania, it's about 325 miles. If you're in Great Britain, it's about 225 miles.
95 miles taking this route:Take A66 STOCKTON, from Middlesbrough, to A1(M) to The SOUTH.Take A1 to The SOUTH to M62 MANCHESTER. Follow signs to M62 MANCHESTER.Take M62 (W) to M606 BRADFORD at J26.Take M606 to Bradford.