Latin America has an area of approximately 6.9 million square miles.
Guernsey, Great Britain - 30.1 square miles.
Approximately 200 miles lies between Amarna and Thebes.
The distance between Seattle and Wenatchee is approximately 150 miles by road.
The distance between Oxford and Montevallo is approximately 78 miles.
It's about 3 thousand miles
The shortest driving distance between these countries is 280 miles.
12,000 miles
Between Washington DC, America and London England there are 3,667 miles.
50000 miles
22 at the closest, between Dover and Calais.
There are 4856.025 miles between Venezuela, South America and England.
There are 4856.025 miles between Venezuela, South America and England.
from England its approximatly 2600m
the early humans traveled about 50,000 miles to get to America
Roughly 1000
I seen somewere it is between 6000-8000 miles depending on who you ask.