The distance from Yonkers, NY to 42nd street in Manhattan, New York City is approximately 20 miles.
The approximate driving distance from Cape Coral, Florida to Yonkers, New York is about 1,320 miles via I-95 N.
As of 2020, the estimated population of Yonkers, New York is approximately 215,000 people.
The distance between Birmingham New Street and Birmingham International stations is approximately 8 miles.
The distance from Burlington to Hamilton in Canada is approximately 57 kilometers (35 miles) by road.
One time around the perimeter of Forsyth Park is 1 mile. One length of Forsyth Park (Gaston Street to Park Avenue) is .5 mile.
About 3 and 2/3 miles, according to the measurements I got from Google Maps.
In Manhattan, about 20 short blocks equal a mile. 182 to 42 is 7 miles, 181 is 1/20 of a mile shorter.
It's less than a mile. About 3/4 of a mile.
The walking/road distance is slightly over 1.5 miles (1.536 miles, to be exact) according to the measurements I got using Google Maps and a tape measure.
162 miles
It is 2,470 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 2,470 miles according to Google Maps.
The approximate driving distance from Cape Coral, Florida to Yonkers, New York is about 1,320 miles via I-95 N.
about 1,291 mi. to 1,408 mi.
There are 5 Hilton hotels located in New York City. They include the Millenium Hilton on Church Street, Hilton New York Fashion District on West 26th Street, Hilton Times Square on West 42nd Street, Hilton Manhattan East on East 42nd Street, and New York Hilton Midtown on Avenue of the Americas.
It's about 4 miles. In Manhattan, about 17 to 20 street blocks (north/south blocks) equal a mile, and 5 to 10 avenue blocks (east/west blocks) equal a mile. The length of the avenue blocks varies considerably by neighborhood, but generally speaking, the avenue blocks on the West Side are longer than the avenue blocks on the East Side.
2.5 miles