46 miles taking this route:
Ann Arbor, Michigan is approximately 283 miles away from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Michigan is approximately 456 miles long from its northernmost point to its southernmost point.
The Upper Peninsula of Michigan covers approximately 16,377 square miles.
The distance between Detroit, Michigan and Toledo, Ohio is approximately 60 miles.
The driving distance from Utah to Michigan is approximately 1,400-1,600 miles, depending on the specific starting and ending locations within each state.
It is 43.50 miles from Detroit to Ann Arbor.
200.6 miles
13 miles across I-94.
37 miles
973 miles
Ann Arbor, Michigan is approximately 283 miles away from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
1190 miles
376 miles
75 miles.
About 250 miles between Traverse City and Ann Arbor Michigan.
If you mean the one in Ann Arbor, it's 99 miles.
The population of Ann Arbor, Michigan is 116,121 people.