The driving distance between Bangor, ME and Tulsa, OK is approximately 1785 miles. The driving time would be approximately 29 hours if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work, border crossings and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
The distance from Collinsville to Tulsa is approximately 17 miles.
The distance between Bangor, Maine and Phoenix, Arizona is approximately 2,800 miles by road.
The distance from Maine to New York is approximately 300 miles.
The distance between Moncton, New Brunswick and Bangor, Maine is approximately 310 kilometers (192 miles) when driving by car.
The distance from Champaign, Illinois to Tulsa, Oklahoma is approximately 565 miles by road.
The distance in miles from Tulsa, Oklahoma to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma is 106.6 miles.
77.1 miles
If the question is Bangor in the North Down of UK to Augusta Maine it is 2865 miles.
135 miles
111 miles
123 miles
The driving distance from Rockland, Maine to Bangor, Maine is 71 miles.
The driving distance from Bangor, Maine to Monson, Maine is about 56 miles.
150 miles south of Tulsa Oklahoma is the city of Bennington Oklahoma.
115 miles
132 miles
about 160 miles