Vancouver Island is approximately 12,079 square miles in size.
The distance between Vancouver, WA and Washougal, WA is approximately 14 miles.
Vancouver Island is approximately 12,000 square miles in size.
The driving distance from Salem, Oregon to Vancouver, Washington is approximately 200 miles, depending on the specific route taken.
The distance from Houston, Texas to Vancouver, British Columbia is approximately 2,400 miles.
according to my map, its about 3 inches
how many miles is it to drive from Vancouver to Halifax
how many miles of bike paths in Vancouver
how many miles are between Vancouver and Jasper
It depends on your exact route, but the approximate driving distance by road is 104 miles.
Glasgow and Vancouver are 4,379 miles apart.
How many miles from Spokane, WA to Vancouver, WA
About 831 air miles from Huatulco, CA to Vancouver.
It's 1,510 miles from Berkeley to Vancouver.
Driving from Albany to Vancouver is about 3,020 miles.
53 miles
621 miles