The distance from Perry, FL to Ocala, FL is approximately 110 miles if you travel by car.
72 miles taking this route:Take Florida's TURNPIKE (toll) - NORTH (towards OCALA), from Orlando, to I-75 NORTH, @ END - TURNPIKE.Take I-75 NORTH to Ocala.
The distance between Ocala, FL and Lady Lake, FL is approximately 20 miles. It typically takes about 30 minutes to drive between the two locations via car.
The distance from Ocala, FL to Cape Coral, FL is approximately 200 miles.
223 miles taking this route:Take FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE (toll) NORTH from Palm Beach Gardens to I-75 NORTH at END Florida's Turnpike, north of Orlando.Take I-75 NORTH to Ocala.
It is approximately 93 miles from Hudson FL to Ocala FL.
It is 421.52 miles according to MapQuest.
162 miles
The driving distance is 310 miles.
It is 302.35 miles according to MapQuest.
The driving distance is 80.1 miles.
It is 41.5 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 97.1 miles according to Google Maps.
888 miles
about 288 miles
about 100 miles
The shortest driving distance is 462 miles.