460 miles taking this route:
110 miles taking this route:Take I-59 SOUTH out of Hattiesburg to I-10 WEST to NEW ORLEANS at EXIT 1C in LOUISIANA near Slidell.Take I-10 WEST to New Orleans.
Texas has a land area of approximately 268,597 square miles.
The distance between Arlington, Texas and DeSoto, Texas is approximately 15 miles.
The Texas annexation was approximately 388,000 square miles.
Texas has approximately 367 miles of shoreline along the Gulf of Mexico.
About 203 miles.
It is 97.62 miles according to MaopQuest.
The air distance from Victoria, Texas, to New Orleans, Louisiana, is 425 miles. That equals 684 kilometers or 370 nautical miles.
From San Antonio, Texas to New Orleans, Louisiana it is about 543.3 miles. It would take about 8 to 9 hours to drive this distance.
500 mi and 8 hr 40 min approx
1221 miles
950 miles
819 miles
2017 miles
It is 819 miles.
1100 miles
About 4815 miles.