Rochester NY is approximately 115 miles northwest of Utica NY. The driving distance between the two cities is about 2 hours.
Rochester, NY is approximately 65 miles west of North Tonawanda, NY. The drive takes around 1.5 hours via I-90 W.
Rochester NY is approximately 85 miles away from the closest point on the Atlantic Ocean, which is in Sodus Bay near Lake Ontario.
Cape Cod is approximately 400 miles from Rochester, NY. The driving time is around 6-7 hours depending on traffic and route taken.
The distance from Boston, MA to Rochester, NY is approximately 429 kilometers (267 miles) when traveling by road.
45 miles
It is 87.6 miles according to Google Maps.
4356 Miles
The flight distance from Rochester NY to Vienna, as the crow flies, is 4,266 miles, or 6,865 kilometres.
The driving distance from Catskill, New York to Rochester, New York is 255 miles.
It is 85.5 miles according to Google Maps.
The shortest driving distance is 313 miles.
475 miles
333 mlles
It is 169 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 1,302.79 miles according to MapQuest.
338 miles