The distance between Vancouver, WA and Washougal, WA is approximately 14 miles.
The driving distance from Salem, Oregon to Vancouver, Washington is approximately 200 miles, depending on the specific route taken.
The distance from Vancouver, WA to Kalama, WA is approximately 30 miles, with a driving time of about 40-50 minutes depending on traffic.
No, Battle Ground, WA is not a suburb of Vancouver, WA. Battle Ground is a city in Clark County, Washington, located about 17 miles northeast of Vancouver. Both cities are in the same county but are separate entities.
The driving distance between Eugene, OR and Chehalis, WA is approximately 200 miles. The driving time would be approximately 3 hours 30 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)
How many miles from Spokane, WA to Vancouver, WA
The distance between Vancouver, WA and Washougal, WA is approximately 14 miles.
Vancouver, WA: 9 miles Vancouver, Canada: 315 miles
The driving distance between Tacoma WA and Eugene OR is 252 road miles,
It is about 550 miles.
552 miles
835 miles
It is 77.4 miles according to Google Maps.
Eugene, OR is 360 miles from Anacortes, WA if driving on I-5.
~ 1,100 miles.
55.41 according to mapquest
The driving distance from Salem, Oregon to Vancouver, Washington is approximately 200 miles, depending on the specific route taken.