The driving distance from Savannah, GA to Orlando, FL Disney World is approximately 270 miles.
The time it takes to travel 1801 miles depends on the mode of transportation and speed. For example, driving at an average speed of 60 miles per hour would take approximately 30 hours. Flying at a speed of 500 miles per hour would take around 3.6 hours.
The Earth is approximately 197 million square miles in total.
The distance from London to Southend is approximately 40 miles.
The distance traveled in 30 minutes of driving depends on the speed of the car. If you are traveling at 60 miles per hour, you would cover 30 miles in 30 minutes.
15 degrees
The North Pole does not rotate. It remains fixed in one spot while the Earth rotates beneath it. Earth's rotational speed varies depending on the latitude, with the maximum speed at the equator being approximately 1,040 miles per hour.
9 hours
231.5 miles from Miami to Walt Disney World.
Approximately 996 miles, or about a 16 and a half hour drive.
60 miles
70 miles
75 miles per hour.
70 miles an hour