The approximate driving distance between Fort Myers, Florida and Wilmington, North Carolina is around 720 miles. This journey usually takes around 11-12 hours by car, depending on traffic and route taken.
The road mile distance between Tampa and Fort Myers, Florida is approximately 135 miles via I-75.
The trip from Miami, Florida to Fort Myers, Florida is 156.7 miles. The average driving time is 2 hours 19 minutes to 2 hours 32 minutes.
195 miles taking this route:Take I-4 WEST from Orlando to I-75 to OCALA and NAPLES off EXIT 9 near Tampa. Follow signs on the exit ramp to I-75 SOUTH to NAPLES.Take I-75 SOUTH to Ft. Myers.
The distance between Wilmington, NC and Hagerstown, MD is approximately 415 miles if you take the most direct route by road.
The driving distance between Charlotte, NC and Wilmington, NC is approximately 200 miles, which would take around 3.5 to 4 hours to drive.
It is 76.9 miles from Fort Myers, Florida to Sarasota, Florida if you What_is_the_distance_between_Fort_Myers_Florida_and_Sarasota_Floridavia I-75 North.
There are about 228.102 miles between Saint Augustine and Ft Myers.
It is 76.9 miles from Fort Myers, Florida to Sarasota, Florida if you travel via I-75 North.
141 miles- driving.
The distance between Ft. Myers FL and Tampa FL is about 128 road miles.
The air distance from Fort Myers, Florida, to Melbourne, Florida, is 126 miles. That equals 203 kilometers or 110 nautical miles.
It is 140.31 miles according to MapQuest.
25 miles taking I-75.
It is 157 miles according to Google Maps.
about 300 miles
It is an estimated 151.8 miles between the cities of Ft. Myers, Florida and Orlando, Florida. The drive time is about 2 hours and 50 minutes.
The direct distance between Venice, Florida and Ft. Myers, Florida is 48 miles (78 km).The driving distance between Venice, FL and Ft. Myers is 64.6 mi - about 1 hour 9 mins. The direct distance between Venice, Florida and Ft. Myers, Florida is 48 miles (78 km).The driving distance between Venice, FL and Ft. Myers is 64.6 mi - about 1 hour 9 mins.