The distance between Minnesota and the Pacific Ocean varies depending on the specific location in Minnesota and the Pacific coast. On average, it is around 1,500-2,000 miles.
The distance between St. Augustine and Jacksonville is approximately 40 miles.
The driving distance between Minneapolis, Minnesota and Miami, Florida is approximately 1,800 miles. This can vary slightly depending on the specific route taken.
The distance between New York City and Saint John, New Brunswick is approximately 740 miles (1,190 kilometers) when traveling by road.
The shortest distance between Minnesota and Indiana is about 229 miles. This is in a straight line, if you were to drive, it would probably be much longer. This of course, depends on from where you are leaving the state.
about 143 miles
How many miles is it to drive from Minnesota to Cancun/ Distance between Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States and Canc
just over 700 miles
304 miles or 5 hours in the car
It is 996 miles between Saint Paul, MN and Salt Lake City, UT
The driving distance from Seattle, Washington to Saint Paul, Minnesota is about 1,670 miles.
about 31 miles
1061 miles
about 54 miles
About 80 miles.
If you're in Minnesota, it's 21 miles.
about 133 miles