50 miles taking this route:
The distance between Oxford and Montevallo is approximately 78 miles.
The distance between Oxford and Lutterworth is approximately 70 miles by road.
The distance between Holland, Ohio and Miami University in Oxford, Ohio is approximately 160 miles.
115 miles taking this route:Follow M11 (S) towards LONDON from Cambridge to M25 towards DARTFORD CROSSING and WATFORD at J6; follow signs to M25 towards WATFORD.Take M25 (London Orbital) around LONDON, to M40 towards OXFORD at J16.Take M40 to A40 to OXFORD at J8.Take A40 to Oxford.
The distance from Amory, MS to Oxford, MS is approximately 105 miles by car.
The distance between Oxford and Montevallo is approximately 78 miles.
About 45 miles by road.
there is aproximately 60 miles.
60 miles, 96 km
The distance between Oxford and Lutterworth is approximately 70 miles by road.
The driving distance is approximately 47 road miles.
It is 617 miles according to Google Maos
There are approximately 59.8 miles between Oxford to London. The estimated driving time is 1 hour and 20 minutes depending on traffic.
59 Miles. Will take about an hour and twenty mins in London traffic.
Google Earth says it's just over 84 miles.
The distance between Holland, Ohio and Miami University in Oxford, Ohio is approximately 160 miles.
94.3 mi (about 1 hour 44 mins)