114 miles taking this route: # Take I-75 NORTH from Ocala to I-10 to JACKSONVILLE and TALLAHASSEE at EXIT 435 near Lake City. Follow signs on the exit ramp to I-10 WEST to TALLAHASSEE. # Take I-10 WEST to Live Oak.
The driving distance from Slidell, LA to Live Oak, FL is approximately 430 miles and would take around 7-8 hours depending on traffic and route taken. It is recommended to check for road closures or construction before starting the trip.
The driving distance from Oak Island, NC to Myrtle Beach, SC is approximately 60 miles, depending on the exact route taken. This typically takes around 1-1.5 hours of driving time, but traffic conditions may affect the travel duration.
The driving distance between Oak Forest, Illinois, and Peoria, Illinois, is approximately 150 miles, depending on the specific route taken. This usually translates to a driving time of around 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on traffic conditions.
101 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 11W SOUTH from Rogersville to U.S. 25E SOUTH to MORRISTOWN. Follow signs.Take U.S. 25E SOUTH to I-81 near Morristown. At JCT I-81, follow signs to I-81 SOUTH.Take I-81 SOUTH to I-40 WEST to KNOXVILLE at EXIT 1B.Take I-40 WEST to TN-162 NORTH to OAK RIDGE at EXIT 376 past Knoxville. Follow signs to TN-162 NORTH to OAK RIDGE on the exit ramp. To bypass KNOXVILLE, take I-640 WEST (EXIT 393 off I-40).Take TN-162 NORTH to TN-62 WEST to OAK RIDGE.Take TN-62 WEST to Oak Ridge.
It is 2,335 miles according to Google Maps.
84 miles
302 miles
664 Miles.
* It would be about 3,007 miles to the Oak Park in Sacramento County. * It would be about 2,828 miles to the Oak Park in San Luis Obispo County. * It would be about 2,736 miles to the Oak Park in Ventura County.
You can find several furniture dealers in the Atlanta area that specialize in oak furniture. One that is particularly good is Real Solid Oak.
Live OAK or Lake CITY (?)If Live OAK, it is 208 miles. If LAKE city, it is 228 miles. This is the route for both of these places:Take U.S. 98 EAST from Panama City Beach to U.S. 231 NORTH. Follow signs to U.S. 231 NORTH.Take U.S. 231 NORTH to I-10. Follow signs to I-10 EAST to TALLAHASSEE.Take I-10 EAST to either Live Oak or Lake City.
The driving distance is 929 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 14 hours and 9 minutes.
A "live oak" is a living Oak tree. Oak trees do not have mascots.
What Live Oak are you talking about? Cause there's a Live Oak in Florida
about 274 people live there. gl
The driving distance is about 125 miles.