The distance between Downtown Boston and Salem, Massachusetts is approximately 20 miles. Driving time usually takes around 30-45 minutes, depending on traffic conditions.
The distance between Salem, NH and Quincy, MA is approximately 75 miles by car.
The distance in road miles between Boston, MA and Portsmouth, NH is approximately 55 miles.
The distance between Portland International Airport (PDX) and downtown Portland is approximately 12 miles. Travel time can vary depending on traffic conditions.
The distance between the Port of Miami and downtown Miami is approximately 2 miles. This makes it convenient for travelers to access both areas easily.
Winston-Salem, NC has an area of approximately 132 square miles.
The total distance from Salem, OR to Boston, MA is 2,567 miles as the crow flies. This is equivalent to 4,130 kilometers or 2,230 nautical miles.
It would take 33.64 miles to get from Boston to Salem.
It's about 4 miles from Logan Airport to downtown Boston.
There are 40.526 miles between Salem and Plymouth.
Salem, MA is only 16 miles from Boston. If you decide to drive depending on when you leave it can take up to an hour with traffic.
the distance is roughly 25.7 miles
There are 57.5 miles between Portland International Airport and Salem, Oregon.
2,511 miles between Salem and McAllen.
About 20 miles, downtown to downtown.
Far. Lizzy Borden lived in Fall River, Massachusetts. The Salem Witch Museum is in Salem, Massacusetts. Fall Rivers in 90ish miles south from Boston. Salem's 45ish miles north from Boston. I live in Eastern Massachusetts, so I have first hand expirence with that trip.
65 miles
The distance between Salem OR and Yucaipa CA is about 988 road miles using I-5 South.