The distance between San Jose, CA and Fairfax, CA is approximately 60 miles.
The distance between Madera, CA and Selma, CA is approximately 25 miles.
The distance from San Jose, CA to Roseville, CA is approximately 140 miles.
The distance between San Jose, CA and Roseville, CA is approximately 120 miles.
The distance from San Luis Obispo, CA to Santa Barbara, CA is approximately 100 miles when traveling by car.
how many subjects in ca course and fee.
We have Northern CA, Central CA, and Southern CA
We have Northern CA, Central CA, and Southern CA
It is 465 miles from Indio, Ca to San Jose,Ca.
There are precicley 152 miles between woodland CA and paradise CA
68 miles
176 miles
82 miles
160 miles
350 miles
thank you.