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The Philippines is surrounded by waters being an archipelago. Because of this, it was easily reached by navigators from different parts of the world like Portugal and Spain. Ferdinand Magelland landed in the Philippines on 1521. If the Philippines is not an archipelago, most probably, great navigators like Magellan would not have reached it. Development in the Philippines was hard at that time since it was colonized by Spain for 333 years.

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โˆ™ 2mo ago

The Philippines' archipelagic geography has influenced its history by making communication and unity among its islands challenging, leading to various cultures and languages developing. This geographical factor also made the Philippines vulnerable to colonization, resulting in a complex history of foreign influence. Additionally, Natural Resources and biodiversity found in the Philippines have shaped its economy and trade relationships with other nations.

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Q: How have the physical features of the Philippines affected its history and development?
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What physical features affected francisco vasquez de coronado exploration?

The physical features that affected Francisco Vรกsquez de Coronado's exploration were the vast deserts, rugged mountains, and harsh weather conditions he encountered in the American Southwest. These challenging terrains made it difficult for his expedition to navigate and led to hardships such as lack of water and extreme temperatures.

How has the physical geography of Philippines affected its history?

The mountainous terrain of the Philippines has historically isolated different regions, leading to the development of diverse cultures and languages. The country's location along typhoon paths and active fault lines has also made it vulnerable to natural disasters, impacting its development and economy. Additionally, the archipelago's many islands have made transportation and communication between regions challenging, influencing the country's political and social relationships.

What is the difference between the physical features of a place and the human features of a place?

Physical features refer to natural characteristics such as mountains, rivers, and climate, while human features encompass elements shaped by human activity like buildings, roads, and cultural practices. Physical features are innate to the landscape, while human features are constructed or influenced by human interaction.

What is the definition of physical characteristics of a place?

Physical characteristics of a place refer to tangible attributes such as terrain, climate, vegetation, and natural resources that define its physical environment. These features shape the landscape and influence the activities and development of the area.

What is a sentence with the word physical features?

The detective carefully examined the suspect's physical features, noting his distinctive scar and piercing blue eyes.

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