295 miles taking this route:
The distance from Kernersville, NC to Myrtle Beach, SC is approximately 185 miles via I-40 E and US-701 S.
Leland, Town Creek, Bolivia, Supply, Shallotte, Calabash, Little River and N. Myrtle Beach. Some of these are off the Hwy. 17 main route; but if traveling by car you'll pass near them as well as the southeastern Brunswick County (NC) beaches.
The distance from Tar Heel, NC to Myrtle Beach, SC is approximately 90 miles. This drive typically takes around 1 hour and 40 minutes depending on traffic and the route taken.
The driving distance from Oak Island, NC to Myrtle Beach, SC is approximately 60 miles, depending on the exact route taken. This typically takes around 1-1.5 hours of driving time, but traffic conditions may affect the travel duration.
The driving distance from Myrtle Beach, SC to Charlotte, NC is approximately 190 miles.
Fastest route from myrtle beach sc to atlantic beach nc
There are about 164.153 miles between Salisbury, NC and Myrtle Beach, SC.
About 200 miles from Greensboro, NC to Myrtle Beach, SC.
1 hour
113 miles
59 miles
about 150 miles
There are about 212 miles between Advance, NC and Myrtle Beach, SC.
Myrtle Beach is in South Carolina.
The shortest distance is 128 miles.
It is 60.9 miles according to Google Maps.
The shortest driving distance is 176 miles.