The distance between Spokane, WA and Missoula, MT is approximately 160 miles driving.
Spokane, WA is located approximately 250 miles east of Maple Valley, WA when traveling by road. The driving time is typically around 4.5 to 5 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
Spokane is named after the Spokane tribe of Native Americans who lived in the region. The name "Spokane" is believed to come from the Spokane tribe's word "sqigwts," which means "children of the sun."
The distance between Ellensburg, WA and Spokane, WA is approximately 170 miles. The drive typically takes around 2.5 to 3 hours depending on traffic and road conditions.
The driving distance from Bend, OR to Spokane, WA is approximately 350 miles. The distance between the two cities via air travel is around 260 miles.
420 miles
47 miles
514 miles if you go I-90 and I-15. 689 miles if you go I-84
1073 miles
The distance between Spokane, WA and Missoula, MT is approximately 160 miles driving.
How far is it from Spokane to Medford and how long does it take to drive it
A. Spokane
How many miles from Spokane, WA to Vancouver, WA
Spokane, WA is located approximately 250 miles east of Maple Valley, WA when traveling by road. The driving time is typically around 4.5 to 5 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
About a five hour drive on Interstate 90. Or about 280 miles.
First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.
505 Miles