Charleston, SC is approximately 280 miles from Burlington, NC. The drive typically takes around 4 to 5 hours depending on traffic and route taken.
The driving distance from Charleston, SC to Greenville, SC is approximately 220 miles, which typically takes around 3.5 to 4 hours depending on traffic and road conditions.
The distance between Charleston, SC and Fort Jackson, SC is approximately 120 miles. This can vary depending on the specific route taken and any traffic conditions.
The driving distance from Bluffton, SC to Charleston, SC is approximately 100 miles and takes about 2 hours to drive, depending on traffic conditions.
Charleston, SC has an average elevation of about 20 feet above sea level. However, elevation can vary within the city, with some areas being lower and others slightly higher than this average.
95 miles
544 miles
Savannah, GA is 107.4 miles far from Charleston, SC. In terms of driving time, this journey would take about 2 hours, weather and traffic permitting.
It is 134 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 118 miles according to Google Maps.
about 4500 miles
About 3.5 hours driving
530 miles
320 miles
318 miles
about 250 miles
504 miles