Fort Lauderdale is approximately 120 miles south of Fort Pierce. The driving distance between the two cities is around 130-140 miles, depending on the route taken.
The population of Melrose Park in Fort Lauderdale is approximately 30,327 residents.
Austin and Fort Lauderdale are approximately 1,200 miles apart when traveling by air. This distance can vary based on the specific route taken. Additionally, driving distance between the two cities is around 1,200-1,300 miles depending on the route chosen.
As of 2021, the estimated population of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is around 182,437 people. This number can vary slightly based on different data sources and methodologies.
Fort Lauderdale, FL is approximately 35 miles away from Homestead, FL. This distance can vary depending on the specific locations within each city that you are traveling between.
The distance from Fort Lauderdale, FL to Jensen Beach, FL is approximately 90 miles if driving by car. It can take around 1.5 to 2 hours to travel between the two locations, depending on traffic conditions.
Fort Lauderdale or Fort pierce
How far is st. Pete Florida from Fort Lauderdale florids
Not far at all! The Fort Lauderdale Amtrak Station is at 200 Southwest 21 Terrace, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312, just off of I-95 (Exit 26) about a mile or two west of downtown Fort Lauderdale.
About 100 miles taking either I-95 SOUTH or Florida's TURNPIKE (toll) - SOUTH.
Fort Lauderdale to Memphis: 994 miles. Fort Lauderdale to Nashville by way of Memphis: 1236 miles.
It is as far as Ft. Lauderdale but to the west more.
Vero Beach/Fort Pierce area
The shortest distance is 140 miles.
457 miles
use mapquest
206 miles
about 250 miles