The population of Clarksville, TN is 136,231 residents. Clarksville is the fifth-largest city in the entire state of Tennessee. The population was 132,929 in the 2010 US census, so it has grown by 3,302 residents in just four years.
The distance between Clarksville, TN and Dickson, TN is approximately 40 miles via I-40 E.
The road mile distance between Houston, TX and Clarksville, TN is approximately 715 miles.
The five major cities in Tennessee are Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Clarksville.
121 miles taking this route:Take TN-56 NORTH from Smithville to I-40 WEST to NASHVILLE. Follow signs.Take I-40 WEST to I-24 WEST to CLARKSVILLE at EXIT 211, in NASHVILLE.Take I-24 WEST to CLARKSVILLE.
The driving distance from Clarksville, Tennessee to Nashville Tennessee is 47 miles via I-24 per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 54 minutes.
The address of the Clarksville-Montgomery County History Museum is: , Clarksville, TN 37041
129 miles
For accurate price estimates for hanging and finishing sheetrock in Clarksville Tennessee visit
The address of the Harned- Trahern Galleries is: , Clarksville, TN 37044-4677
The driving distance from Clarksville TN to Dover TN is 31 miles via US-79 S per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 39 minutes.
The population of Clarksville, TN is 136,231 residents. Clarksville is the fifth-largest city in the entire state of Tennessee. The population was 132,929 in the 2010 US census, so it has grown by 3,302 residents in just four years.
The address of the Aladdin Museum Of Light is: 681 International Blvd, Clarksville, TN 37040
The distance between Clarksville, TN and Dickson, TN is approximately 40 miles via I-40 E.
The address of the Clarksville-Montgomery County Museum is: Po Box 383, Clarksville, TN 37041-0383
I do not plan to visit Clarksville, TN in the near future. Clarksville is a city in northern Tennessee, the fifth-largest city in the state, and the county seat of Montgomery County. The population is 123,564. Clarksville zip codes are 37040 - 37044, and its area code is 931. Austin Peay State University is located in Clarksville.
There are approximately 130 cities in Tennessee. Nashville, Memphis, Knoxville, Chattanooga and Clarksville are the five most populous cities in Tennessee.