Worcester, MA is about 40 miles west of Boston, MA. The drive between the two cities typically takes around an hour, depending on traffic.
The square mileage of Worcester, MA is approximately 38.6 square miles.
Worcester, Massachusetts was established in 1722, making it around 299 years old. Boston, Massachusetts was founded in 1630, making it around 391 years old.
The driving distance from Boston, MA to Orange, MA is approximately 90 miles.
135 miles taking this route:Take I-95 SOUTH from Portland to I-290 WEST to WORCESTER via I-495 SOUTH. (EXIT 53 off I-95 in MASSACHUSETTS; EXIT 25B off I-495 to get onto I-290 WEST towards WORCESTER.)Take I-290 WEST to Worcester.
The distance from Boston, MA to Eastport, ME is approximately 360 miles. This would take roughly 6 to 7 hours to drive, depending on traffic and road conditions.
54 miles
Worcester England has a population of about 94,000 while its counterpart in Massachusetts has about 176,000. Worcester, MA is the 2nd largest city in Massachusetts, behind Boston.
I believe about 40 miles.
32 years
The largest county in Massachusetts is Boston County.
45 miles down SR-9 EAST.
It6 is 511 miles according to Google Maps.
37 miles taking ROUTE 146 - NORTH.
Robert Goddard lived with his father, mother, and sister in Worcester, MA during his childhood.
The square mileage of Worcester, MA is approximately 38.6 square miles.
Boston, Worcester, and Springfield.
As of the latest available data, there is no specific figure for the exact number of Liberians living in Worcester, MA. The Liberian community in Worcester is smaller compared to other cities, such as Providence or Boston, but there are still significant Liberian residents in the area. Exact numbers may vary and are not readily available.