90 miles taking this route:
The driving distance from Brunswick, GA to Long Beach, CA is approximately 2,300 miles.
The absolute location of Long Beach, CA is approximately 33.7701° N latitude and 118.1937° W longitude.
Long Beach, CA is approximately 110 miles northwest of San Diego, CA. The drive usually takes around 2 hours along Interstate 5.
The distance from San Jose, CA to Pebble Beach, CA is approximately 77 miles, which would take around 1.5 to 2 hours by car, depending on traffic conditions.
Monterey, CA is approximately 300 miles north of Redondo Beach, CA. It typically takes between 5 to 6 hours to drive between the two locations by car.
The driving distance is about 116 miles.
How far from long beach, ca to guanajuato mexico
APpR0XiMAtElY 3 h0URS '& 3O MiNUtES
It is 364 miles according to Google Maps.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 7 hours and 8 minutes,
Distance from Long Beach CA to Palos verde CA
In 2011, the population of Long Beach , CA was 465, 576.
76 miles
50 miles
Hooman Toyota of Long Beach - 4401 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. Long Beach, CA
It is about 115 miles via I-405 North and US-101 North.
20 miles