Fargo is approximately 97 miles east of Jamestown, North Dakota. The driving time is typically around 1 hour and 30 minutes.
The driving distance from Fargo, ND to Sydney, MT is approximately 400 miles.
Fargo, ND is considered urban due to its population density, infrastructure, and economic activity. It is the most populous city in North Dakota and serves as a regional hub for commerce, education, and healthcare.
The elevation in Fargo, ND ranges from 904 feet to 1,171 feet above sea level. The city itself is situated along the Red River of the North and is mostly flat with occasional gentle slopes.
Fargo is the largest city in North Dakota in terms of population, with a population of around 124,662 as of 2020. It is a major cultural, educational, and economic center for the state.
The driving distance between Big Sky, MT, and Jamestown, ND, is approximately 730 miles. This route typically takes around 12 hours to drive, depending on traffic and road conditions.
You will pass through Watertown, Fargo and Jamestown.
555 miles
250 miles
about 96 miles across I-94.
It is 911.42 miles according to MapQuest.
It is 1,029 miles from Canton, OH to Fargo, ND, via I-80 and I-90.
It is 322 miles according to Google Maps.
The shortest driving distance is 642 miles.
It is 515 miles according to Google Maps.
fox tv signal tower near fargo ND
1815 University Dr S, Fargo, ND 58103
Fargo, ND flooded horribly in 1997 and a lot of houses had water in their basement.