Chicago is approximately 500 miles away from Gatlinburg, TN. The driving time between the two cities is around 8-9 hours, depending on traffic and route taken.
Gatlinburg, TN is approximately 1,289 feet (393 meters) above sea level.
The driving distance between Fairfield Glade, TN, and Gatlinburg, TN, is approximately 160 miles via I-40 E. The journey usually takes around 2.5 to 3 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions.
The driving distance from Tallahassee, FL to Gatlinburg, TN is approximately 460 miles.
The driving distance from Nashville to Gatlinburg is approximately 215 miles, which would take around 3.5 to 4 hours depending on traffic and road conditions. The route usually involves driving east on I-40 to Knoxville, then taking US-441 south to reach Gatlinburg.
The driving distance between Gatlinburg, TN and Charlotte, NC is approximately 210 miles via I-40 E. The actual distance may vary depending on the specific route taken.
The driving distance from Gatlinburg TN to Chicago IL is 580 miles via I-65 per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 9 hours and 16 minutes.
223 miles
24 miles
nextdoor to each other
It is 150 miles according to Google Maps.
546 miles
Gatlinburg, TN is approximately 1,289 feet (393 meters) above sea level.
200 miles
3 fortnights and a bottle of rum
That is about 220 miles using I-40. It is longer if you take older roads.
Men created Gatlinburg TN, not God.
It is 289 miles according to Google Maps.