The closest IKEA to Charleston, SC is in Charlotte, NC, approximately 200 miles away.
The distance from Charleston, SC to the Outer Banks, NC is approximately 330 miles when driving.
The distance between Inman, SC and Charleston, SC is approximately 200 miles by road. Driving time can vary depending on traffic and route taken.
The driving distance from Charleston, SC to Greenville, SC is approximately 220 miles, which typically takes around 3.5 to 4 hours depending on traffic and road conditions.
The distance between Charleston, SC and Fort Jackson, SC is approximately 120 miles. This can vary depending on the specific route taken and any traffic conditions.
about 250 miles
Charlotte, NC is 207 miles from Charleston, SC. It would take about 3 hours 14 minutes to drive
224 miles or 360.42 Kilometers
It is 200 miles from Columbia, South Carolina to Burlington, North Carolina. This will take about 3 hours to drive.
It is 242 miles according to Google Maps.
The closest IKEA to Charleston, SC is in Charlotte, NC, approximately 200 miles away.
Charleston, SC
339 miles
The distance from Charleston, SC to the Outer Banks, NC is approximately 330 miles when driving.
100 miles
About 210 miles.
263 miles.