The distance between Inman, SC and Charleston, SC is approximately 200 miles by road. Driving time can vary depending on traffic and route taken.
The drive from Charleston, SC to Myrtle Beach, SC is approximately 95 miles and takes around 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on traffic and driving conditions.
The city four hours north of Interstate I-95 exit 363 in Jacksonville, FL is Savannah, Georgia.
The distance from Charleston, SC to Knoxville, TN is approximately 360 miles if you take Interstate 26 and Interstate 40. This usually takes about 5-6 hours to drive, depending on traffic and road conditions.
Charleston, SC is approximately 280 miles from Burlington, NC. The drive typically takes around 4 to 5 hours depending on traffic and route taken.
95 miles
Florence, SC
Travelling down Interstate 95 the halfway point would be the Jacksonville Florida area.
Yes, I-26 provides the shortest and fastest driving route.
170 miles taking this route:Take I-26 WEST from Charleston to I-95 NORTH to FLORENCE at EXIT 169B.Take I-95 NORTH to SC-38 WEST to BENNETTSVILLE at EXIT 181B.Take SC-38 WEST to Bennetsville.
544 miles
Savannah, GA is 107.4 miles far from Charleston, SC. In terms of driving time, this journey would take about 2 hours, weather and traffic permitting.
It is 134 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 118 miles according to Google Maps.
about 4500 miles
About 3.5 hours driving
530 miles