The distance from Findlay, OH to Toledo, OH is approximately 45 miles by car, taking about 45-50 minutes to drive.
Toledo, OH is known for its strong manufacturing and industrial history, particularly in the automotive and glass industries. The city is also home to the Toledo Museum of Art, which houses an impressive collection of artwork. Additionally, Toledo is strategically located at the western end of Lake Erie, making it an important port city for shipping and trade.
The distance from Sugar Land, Texas, to Toledo, Ohio, is approximately 1,050 miles when traveling by road.
The driving distance from Champaign, IL to Dayton, OH is approximately 235 miles.
The driving distance between Chicago, IL and Cleveland, OH is approximately 350 miles.
149 miles
about 180 miles
roughly 2900 miles.
It is 246 miles according to Google Maps.
593 miles
130.70 miles
The shortest driving distance is 225 miles.
Somewhere in northern Ohio, not far from Toledo!
It is 329 miles according to Google Maps.
It changes from time to timeNovi, MI (2000)Toledo, OH (2001)Peoria, IL (2002) It changes from time to timeGarrettsville, OH (2003-2005)Pataskala, OH (2006)Cave-In-Rock, IL (2007-2009)
344 miles