The distance between Fredericksburg, VA, and Charlottesville, VA, is approximately 85 miles.
It is approximately 70 miles from Interstate 81 to Charlottesville, VA.
The distance between Charlottesville, VA and Lynchburg, VA is approximately 60 miles.
The road distance between Gainesville, Florida and Charlottesville, Virginia is approximately 640 miles via I-95 N.
445 miles taking this route:Take I-85 NORTH from Atlanta all the way up to U.S. 29 NORTH via I-85 BUSINESS (EXIT 120A off I-85 in NORTH CAROLINA) to get to I-40 BUSINESS, and via I-40 BUSINESS thru GREENSBORO (EXIT 223 off I-40 BUSINESS to continue on U.S. 29 NORTH to REIDSVILLE).Take U.S. 29 NORTH to Lynchburg.
The address of the Reedville Fishermen'S Museum is: 474 Main St, Reedville, VA 22539
155 miles
100 miles
It is 296 miles according to Google Maps.
About 400 miles (8 hours by car)
The distance between Fredericksburg, VA, and Charlottesville, VA, is approximately 85 miles.
241 Miles and 4 hours and 12 Minutes to get there
175 miles taking U.S. 29 SOUTH.
Charlotte is in North Carolina, or do you mean Charlottesville, VA?
The driving distance between Charlottesville VA and Williamsburg VA is about 121 road miles.
what is the closes rt. from charlottesville va to ocean city maryland
Near Charlottesville, VA