The mileage distance between Richmond, VA, and Fairfax, VA, is approximately 100-120 miles depending on the specific route taken.
Google Maps gives 1,394 miles for driving from Houston, TX to Fairfax, VA,+TX&geocode=&dirflg=&daddr=Fairfax,+virginia&f=d&sll=29.759956,-95.362534&sspn=0.978762,1.675415&ie=UTF8&ll=38.993572,-78.310547&spn=27.933242,53.613281&z=5
The driving distance from Chatham, VA to Whipple, VA is approximately 45 miles.
Smithfield, VA is approximately 20 miles from Suffolk, VA.
McLean, VA is approximately 9 miles away from Washington, D.C.
186 miles
It is about 163 miles by car.
Blvd shell in colonial heights
Colonial Heights, VA and Petersburg, VA.
The address of the Colonial Heights Historical Society Inc is: Po Box 973, Colonial Hgts, VA 23834-0973
The address of the Keystone Tractor Works is: 880 W Roslyn Rd, Colonial Heights, VA 23834
The address of the Violet Bank Museum is: 326 Royal Oak Ave, Colonial Heights, VA 23834
Windsor, VA
The distance between Fairfax, VA and Baltimore, MD is approximately 55 miles. This typically takes about 1 to 1.5 hours to drive, depending on traffic.
Fairfax, VA was 23,973 in 2013.
One dealership with used GMCs in Fairfax, VA is Farrish Pontiac GMC & Oldsmobile, which is located at 10925 Fairfax Boulevard Fairfax, VA 22030. Another dealership is J Koons Pontiac Buick GMC, which is near Fairfax, located at 2050 Chain Bridge Road Vienna, VA 22182.
Minnieville, VA