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The diverse geography of Guatemala, which includes mountains, coastal plains, and rainforests, influences the distribution of resources and economic activities of its people. For instance, the rugged terrain can make transportation and access to services difficult in remote areas. Furthermore, volcanic activity can pose both risks and benefits to the local population, such as fertile soil for agriculture but also the threat of eruptions.

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Q: In what ways do the physical features of Guatemala affect the people and their way of life?
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Is having Jewish curls a stereotype?

Yes, the idea of Jewish curls as a physical characteristic can be seen as a stereotype because it reduces a diverse group of people to a singular appearance. It's important to recognize that Jewish people come from various ethnic backgrounds and may have a wide range of physical features.

What happens as people experience negative emotions?

As people experience negative emotions, it can affect their mental and physical well-being. They may feel stressed, anxious, or sad, which can impact their mood, behavior, and relationships with others. It's important to address and cope with these emotions in a healthy way to prevent them from causing long-term harm.

What do you mean by physical attributes and how can they be stigmatising?

Physical attributes refer to a person's visible, external characteristics such as skin color, body shape, or facial features. These attributes can become stigmatized when society assigns negative stereotypes or discriminatory attitudes based on someone's physical appearance, leading to prejudice, discrimination, and social exclusion.

When do people experience surging physical growth and sexual maturation?

People experience surging physical growth and sexual maturation during puberty, which typically occurs between the ages of 10 and 14 for girls and 12 and 16 for boys. Hormonal changes during this time lead to the development of secondary sexual characteristics and increased physical growth.

Why do some people have better memory than other people?

People's memory capacity can be influenced by various factors such as genetics, lifestyle habits, level of education, and age. Factors like engaging in regular physical exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, getting adequate sleep, and practicing mental activities can all contribute to better memory function. Additionally, different individuals may have varying levels of cognitive processing abilities that can also affect memory retention and recall.

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Are there indigenous people in Guatemala?

Yes, there are indigenous tribes in Guatemala

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What are some human features of Guatemala?

is that guatemala does not have culture they are just ignorants so the people that are ignorants can´t have culture. and anybody wantss to visit them because now is really dangerous .

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The diverse physical features of Latin America, such as mountains, rainforests, and coastlines, impact the livelihoods of its people. Mountainous regions can isolate communities, while rainforests provide resources and biodiversity. Coastal areas are important for trade and fishing, shaping cultural practices and economies. Overall, these physical features influence settlement patterns, agriculture, and economic activities in the region.

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people are effected by the pollution in cities, garbage & bad habits .

How does the physical environment of a region affect the people that live there?

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How do Africa's physical features affect people's way of life?

okay, so the mountains? affects people cause of the water they get from it. then it turns into rivers. so it turns into flood. and floods can kill them alive.hope this helped. :)

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can you vote in Guatemala?

Yes, people in Guatemala can vote.

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