The distance between Leamington, Ontario, and London, Ontario, is approximately 110 miles or 177 kilometers by road.
The road mile distance between Sarnia and Windsor is approximately 100 miles.
898 miles (1,445 kilometres) taking this route:Take HIGHWAY 11 SOUTH from Orillia to HIGHWAY 400 SOUTH.Take HIGHWAY 400 SOUTH to HIGHWAY 401 WEST at EXIT 21 in TORONTO.Take HIGHWAY 401 WEST to HIGHWAY 402 WEST to SARNIA at EXIT 183, near London.Take HIGHWAY 402 WEST to the U.S.A. via the BLUEWATER BRIDGE (toll). You will be crossing from SARNIA, ONTARIO, CANADA into PORT HURON, MICHIGAN, U.S.A.From there, follow I-69 WEST & SOUTH (past LANSING) to I-465 SOUTH at EXIT 0 in INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA.Take I-465 SOUTH to I-65 SOUTH to LOUISVILLE at EXIT 53B.Take I-65 SOUTH to NASHVILLE.
The driving distance between Ottawa, ON and Picton, ON is approximately 280 kilometers, depending on the specific route taken. It typically takes around 3 to 4 hours to drive between the two locations, but travel time may vary based on traffic and road conditions.
London is not in a state, the United Kingdom does not have states, London is in England. London is not just a city, it is also a county, (County of London) which is split into smaller counties (called boroughs).
63 road miles from Sarnia, ON to London, ON
from London ont to Chicago is about 7 hrs.....that's goin through windsor to Detroit and so on....might be quicker goin through sarnia to port Huron but not sure.
what is the distance form London ont. to Innisfil ont.
London Ont. - 90 km to the east; Detroit, Mi. - 100 Km to the southwest; Port Huron Mi. - across the border; Chatham Ont. - 75 km. to the south; Toronto, Ont. - 290 km. to the east; Flint Mi. - 90 km. to the west
About 50 miles.
78 km taking HIGHWAY 4 (Richmond St in London) NORTH.
95-96 miles
how for is london ont. to whitehorse
Barnes, which is in southwest London.
237.7 km
63 miles (101km).
The motto of Sarnia is 'Sarnia Semper'.