is an hill
Cave Hill is the highest point in Clarendon, Jamaica, but it is not a mountain. It is more commonly referred to as a hill.
peak, summit, apex, crown The top of a mountain is called the peakHmmm. Crest or peak.
a mountain
A hill.
It is a mountain.
Hill is to mountain as sea is to ..... tank
Because it is only a hill. a mountain is much higher
a hill
A small mountain is often referred to as a hill or a peak.
They are alike in shape , but volcanoes have lava's
you can tell if a hill is a hill if it is 999 feet in height or below. if it is a mountain it would be 1000 feet in height or above.
Yes.A mountain is generally steeper than a hill because it is taller.
A very high hill is typically referred to as a mountain.
No, but driskill hill is like a mountain
There is no strict definition for when a hill becomes a mountain, but it is generally considered that a mountain is taller and steeper than a hill. In some regions, a mountain is designated as having a height over a certain threshold, such as 1,000 feet above sea level.