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Invention of irrigation systems, like canals and wells, allowed farmers to access water sources farther from rivers. This enabled farms to be established in regions with limited water availability, increasing agricultural expansion and productivity.

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Q: During the earliest years of agricultural development what allowed farms to be farther from rivers?
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During the earliest years of agricultural development allowed farms to be farther from the rivers?

During the earliest years of agricultural development, the introduction of irrigation techniques such as canals and ditches allowed farms to be located farther from rivers. This enabled farmers to cultivate land in areas that might not have been naturally suitable for agriculture due to lack of water access.

What Around 10000 years ago allowed crop growing to be farther from rivers?

The development of irrigation techniques such as canals and wells around 10,000 years ago allowed crop growing to be farther from rivers. This allowed early agricultural societies to expand their cultivated land beyond the limitations of riverbanks and seasonal flooding, leading to increased food production and population growth.

What human development allowed crop growing farther from rivers?

The development of irrigation systems and water management techniques allowed crop growing further from rivers by providing a controlled and reliable source of water to crops. Improved transportation systems also played a role in enabling crops to be grown farther from rivers by facilitating the transportation of goods to market. Additionally, advancements in farming technology, such as the use of machinery and fertilizers, increased efficiency and productivity in agriculture, allowing for the cultivation of crops in more diverse locations.

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The capital that is farther north is Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland.

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new mexico

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During the earliest years of agricultural development allowed farms to be farther from the rivers?

During the earliest years of agricultural development, the introduction of irrigation techniques such as canals and ditches allowed farms to be located farther from rivers. This enabled farmers to cultivate land in areas that might not have been naturally suitable for agriculture due to lack of water access.

What Around 10000 years ago allowed crop growing to be farther from rivers?

The development of irrigation techniques such as canals and wells around 10,000 years ago allowed crop growing to be farther from rivers. This allowed early agricultural societies to expand their cultivated land beyond the limitations of riverbanks and seasonal flooding, leading to increased food production and population growth.

Irrigation allowed what to be farther from rivers?

Irrigation allowed agricultural activities to be farther from rivers, as water could be transported to fields through canals and pipes. This helped decrease the pressure on river resources and enabled cultivation in arid areas.

Irrigation allowed farms to be what rivers?

Farther from

Irrigation allowed to be farther from rivers?


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Early irrigation allowed what to be farther from rivers?


What human development allowed crop growing farther from rivers?

The development of irrigation systems and water management techniques allowed crop growing further from rivers by providing a controlled and reliable source of water to crops. Improved transportation systems also played a role in enabling crops to be grown farther from rivers by facilitating the transportation of goods to market. Additionally, advancements in farming technology, such as the use of machinery and fertilizers, increased efficiency and productivity in agriculture, allowing for the cultivation of crops in more diverse locations.

Farther vs further?

Although farther and further are used interchangeably, they have taken different meanings. Farther is commonly used in reference to distance while further refers to progress or development.

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