The distance between St. George and Enterprise is approximately 38 miles, which typically takes around 45 minutes to drive.
Potato chips, as we know them today, originated in the United States. They were created in the mid-19th century as a snack by chef George Crum at Moon's Lake House in Saratoga Springs, New York.
The driving distance between Lake George, NY and Halifax, Nova Scotia is approximately 960 miles. This route typically takes around 16-18 hours to drive without factoring in traffic or stops.
The distance between George and Postmasburg is approximately 877 kilometers by road.
The distance from the Bronx, NY to Lake George, NY is approximately 200 miles.
saratoga springs
His restaurant was in Saratoga Springs, NY. I presume he lived nearby.
The driving distance is about 540km.
George Crum (Speck) is credited with creating potato chips during his time as a cook at Saratoga Springs in New York. His mother, Catherine Speck, was a member of the Huron tribe.
The driving distance from Dallas, TX to Saint George Island, FL is 842 miles.
410 miles
George Crum was a chef and restaurant owner who is credited with inventing potato chips in the 1850s. He worked at Moon's Lake House in Saratoga Springs, New York.
The distance between Toronto, ON, Canada, and Lake George, NY, USA is 655km and will take about 6 Hours 53 Minutes of driving time.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 6 hours and 20 minutes.
About 605km
348 miles
George crum lived in Saratoga Lake, NY