I exist in digital form and do not have a physical body, so I do not reside in a specific hemisphere. I can provide information and assistance regardless of geographical location.
If you live in the Northern Hemisphere, the Southern Hemisphere will be south of you. These two hemispheres are divided by the equator, with the Northern Hemisphere located north of the equator and the Southern Hemisphere located south of the equator.
Ecuador Colombia Brazil
More people live in the northern hemisphere than in the southern hemisphere. This is because the majority of Earth's landmass is in the northern hemisphere, which includes populous countries like China, India, the United States, and Russia.
Chad is located in the northern hemisphere.
northern hemisphere . because .. the Continent we live in is north America and north America is on the north side so that means America is on the northern side.
where is the tropic of cancer fond in the northern or the southern hemasphere
The Tropic of Cancer, a latitude designation, is in the southern hemisphere.
People live in both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.
we live on the northern and western
Emus are native to Australia, which is in the southern hemisphere.
It depends whether you live in the Northern or the Southern Hemisphere. If you live in the Northern hemisphere spring starts in March, And if you live in the Southern hemisphere spring starts in September.
If you mean 'Caracals', they live in northern Africa and southern Asia.
no they all live in the southern hemisphere.