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Division of labor means that production takes place with workers separated into groups according to their specialized skills or tasks. Each group focuses on a specific aspect of the production process, leading to increased efficiency and productivity.

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Q: Division of labor means that production takes place with workers separated into groups according to what?
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Division of labor means that production takes place with workers separated into groups according to?

Division of labor means that production takes place with workers separated into groups according to specific tasks or skills, allowing for increased efficiency and specialization in the production process. This division helps streamline operations, as each worker can focus on a specific aspect of the overall production process, leading to more efficient outcomes.

Why do clothes come from poor countries?

Clothes are often produced in poor countries due to lower labor costs and less strict regulations, making production more affordable for companies. This practice can exploit workers in these countries with low wages and poor working conditions. Additionally, globalization and trade agreements have encouraged the spread of garment production to these regions.

How does agriculture influence the growth of cities?

Agriculture can influence the growth of cities by providing food and resources necessary to support a larger population. In agrarian societies, fertile land and access to water sources can attract people to settle in specific areas, leading to the formation and expansion of cities. Additionally, developments in agricultural technology and practices can increase food production, allowing cities to sustain more inhabitants.

How many countries are invold in making a pair of jeans?

A pair of jeans typically involve multiple countries in the production process. From growing cotton in one country to dyeing fabric in another, cutting and sewing in another, and then shipping to retailers worldwide, jeans may pass through the hands of workers in several different countries before reaching consumers.

What is the nationality of most of Kuwait's oil field workers?

Most of Kuwait's oil field workers are from other countries, mainly from South and Southeast Asia, such as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Philippines. These expatriate workers are hired by oil companies in Kuwait to fill labor gaps in the industry.

Related questions

Division of labor means that production takes place with workers separated into groups according to?

Division of labor means that production takes place with workers separated into groups according to specific tasks or skills, allowing for increased efficiency and specialization in the production process. This division helps streamline operations, as each worker can focus on a specific aspect of the overall production process, leading to more efficient outcomes.

Ask us anythingThe existence of an international division of labor among countries enables those countries to have what?

Specialized production

What is specialization and division of labor?

In developed economies, most workers specialize in performing particular tasks in production of a good or service. Very few workers make a complete product. Firms, regions and countries. For example Sri Lanka and The Maldives, concentrate on tea and tourism respectively.The division of labourThe division of labour id the splitting of the production process into a number of individual operations and making each operation a special task of one worker. So it involves workers specializing. For example, in a Hotel, some workers are will be employed as housekeepers, waiters, receptionists, managerial staff, chefs etc.

What is division of labor specialization?

In developed economies, most workers specialize in performing particular tasks in production of a good or service. Very few workers make a complete product. Firms, regions and countries. For example Sri Lanka and The Maldives, concentrate on tea and tourism respectively.The division of labourThe division of labour id the splitting of the production process into a number of individual operations and making each operation a special task of one worker. So it involves workers specializing. For example, in a Hotel, some workers are will be employed as housekeepers, waiters, receptionists, managerial staff, chefs etc.

How many production workers were there in the public building and related furniture industry in 2000?

Production workers accounting for 29,723 positions in that figure. The average hourly wage for production workers in the industry was $12.32.

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why are factory managres paid more than production line workers

Division of labor causes?

specialization among workers

Why factory manager are paid more than production line workers?

why are factory managres paid more than production line workers

How does Karl Marx define the division of labor?

Karl Marx defines the division of labor as the specialization of tasks within a capitalist system where workers are allocated specific jobs to increase efficiency. Marx argues that this division leads to alienation and dehumanization of workers, as they become disconnected from the overall production process and are reduced to mere instruments of labor. Marx believed this exploitation of labor under capitalism perpetuates class inequalities and social conflict.

What are the uses of specialization and division of labor?

People can learn faster and become more skilled as they are taking only one task instead of many different tasks.People can specialise in the tasks they perform well.Workers can improve their skills as they repeat their tasks many times.Time can be saved as workers don't have to switch from one job to another .The use of machines to replace labour becomes easier as production is divided into small tasks.the supervision of the production process can be carried out easily.Overall speaking, division of labour can increase production efficiency as workers can perform more efficiently at tasks that they can do best.

What are common contexts for Helpers-Production workers?

The common contexts for Helpers Production Workers is to wear common protective clothing such as the gloves, shoes and glasses.

What was not a belief of Karl Marx regarding the division of labor?

Karl Marx believed that the division of labor under capitalism led to alienation and exploitation of workers. He did not believe that division of labor necessarily increased efficiency or productivity in the capitalist system.