The distance between Detroit and Chicago is approximately 280 miles by road.
The distance between Traverse City and Leland, Michigan is approximately 26 miles.
The distance between Detroit, Michigan and Toledo, Ohio is approximately 60 miles.
The road distance between Chicago, IL, and Louisville, KY, is approximately 300 miles. This distance can vary slightly depending on the specific route taken and any detours along the way.
The distance between Green Bay, Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois is approximately 210 miles by road.
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Kalamazoo, Michigan is: 110 miles / 178 km
The distance between Detroit and Chicago is approximately 280 miles by road.
1620 miles
285 miles.
It is 181 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 407 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 347 miles according to Google Maps.
The first successful filming of a College Football game was in 1904 at a game between the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago.
distance between Muskegon and Milwaukee is 87 miles or 139.98 Kilometers
The first successful filming of a college football game was in 1904 at a game between the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago.
It takes me about an hour and a half.
The Distance between Chicago and Bangalore 13,751 km