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New England farmers faced disadvantages such as poorer soil quality due to rocky terrain, limited land available for farming, and shorter growing seasons due to the region's colder climate. Additionally, they had to deal with a lack of access to large rivers for irrigation and transportation purposes.

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they had bad soil

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Q: Compared with the South what disadvantages did New England farmers face?
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What disadvantages did new England farmers face compared to south?

New England farmers faced disadvantages such as shorter growing seasons, rocky soil that was harder to cultivate, and a lack of large plantations that could benefit from economies of scale. Additionally, they had to contend with harsher weather conditions and limited access to waterways for transportation of goods.

What was the main crop of poor subsistence farmers in the south?

The main crop of poor subsistence farmers in the South was cotton. Cotton was a vital cash crop for these farmers, as it could be sold for profit and was in high demand for textiles.

Yeoman farmers of the South could be found?

Yeoman farmers of the South could be found primarily in the upland regions of the southern states. They typically owned small to moderate-sized farms and worked the land themselves with the help of their families. Yeoman farmers played a critical role in the agricultural economy of the antebellum South.

What differences existed between the tidewate planters and the backcountry farmers of the south?

Tidewater planters were wealthy, slave-owning farmers who cultivated cash crops like tobacco and rice on large plantations near coastal areas, while backcountry farmers were typically poorer, subsistence farmers who lived inland and grew crops for their own consumption. Tidewater planters had closer economic ties to England and were more influenced by British culture, while backcountry farmers tended to be more self-sufficient and resistant to outside influences. Socially, tidewater planters were part of the Southern aristocracy, while backcountry farmers were more egalitarian and independent.

What was the differences between the tidewater planters and backcountry farmers in the south?

Tidewater planters were wealthy, relied on enslaved labor, and cultivated cash crops like tobacco and rice in the coastal regions. Backcountry farmers were more self-sufficient, lived in the inland areas, and grew crops for subsistence rather than for trade. They often had smaller farms and a more independent lifestyle compared to the planters.

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What disadvantages did new England farmers face compared to south?

New England farmers faced disadvantages such as shorter growing seasons, rocky soil that was harder to cultivate, and a lack of large plantations that could benefit from economies of scale. Additionally, they had to contend with harsher weather conditions and limited access to waterways for transportation of goods.

What did England assume about the South?

most southern farmers were loyalist

Southern disadvantages during the civil war?

There were a multitude of disadvantages that the South had in the US Civil War. The states that seceded had to create a central government from scratch. The South had no navy and had to either build it themselves or have warships built for them in England. Another major disadvantage was the fact that the North had an huge population compared to the South. Thus, the North could build armies from its vast population.

How did the south attempt to comensate for its disadvantages?

The south

What breed of sheep sheds their own wool?

Farmers in South West England have a breed of sheep that loose their wool automatically in the spring, this breed is called the Exlana.

What was the position of non slave owners in the south?

Non-slave owners in the South were typically small farmers or laborers who did not have the wealth or resources to own slaves. They often faced economic challenges and social disadvantages compared to slave-owning families. They could also feel pressure to support the institution of slavery due to its prominence in Southern society.

Where do farmers live in 1800s?

Most farmers actually lived in the south.

How did the south attempt to compensate for its disadvantages?

In the Civil War, the South tried to compensate for its lack of industry by enlisting allies like England and Mexico. However, these alliances never took shape.

Did yoeman farmers own slaves?

Some yeoman farmers did own slaves, but not all. The number of slaves owned by yeoman farmers varied depending on factors such as location, wealth, and social customs. Generally, yeoman farmers who owned slaves had smaller holdings compared to large plantation owners.

Is Dorset in the South of England?

Dorset is in the South-West of England.

How did farming in the south change after the civil war?

Farmers diversified their crops

Where is London is it south or west of England?

London is in south east England