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conflict between two or more groups within a country?

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A conflict between two or more groups within a country is called civil conflict or internal conflict. It typically involves differing political, social, or economic interests and can escalate into civil war if not resolved peacefully.

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Briceidy Vera

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1y ago

civil war

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Q: A conflict between two or more groups within a country is called what?
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What is a conflict between two or more groups within a country?

An internal conflict involves disagreements, grievances, or hostilities between different groups within a country, often based on factors such as ethnicity, religion, or politics. These conflicts can lead to violence, instability, and human rights abuses within the affected nation.

What is the relation between Israelis and Palestine?

The relationship between Israelis and Palestinians is complex and marked by historical conflict over territory and political identity. The two groups have been in conflict for decades, with disputes over land, resources, and national sovereignty contributing to ongoing tensions and violence. Efforts to achieve peace and a mutually acceptable solution to the conflict have been ongoing but have not yet resulted in a resolution.

Between which two groups did the Treaty of Tordesillas prevent conflict?

The Treaty of Tordesillas prevented conflict between Spain and Portugal by establishing a line of demarcation in 1494 that divided newly discovered lands outside Europe between the two countries. This helped define their spheres of influence in the New World and avoid disputes over colonization.

What were small plots of land in the Gold Country called?

Small plots of land in the Gold Country were called mining claims. These claims were typically 20 acres in size and granted to individuals or groups for the purpose of searching for gold.

Which 2 groups did the treaty of tordesillas prevent conflict?

The Treaty of Tordesillas prevented conflict between Spain and Portugal by dividing the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the two countries along a designated meridian. This agreement aimed to prevent disputes over territories in the Americas and other parts of the world.

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What is a conflict between two or more groups within a country is called?

conflict between two or more groups within a country?

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civil war

A conflict between two groups or sections of then same country is called a?

A civil conflict or civil war.

Conflict between opposing groups of citizens of the same country?

If it is an armed conflict, it is called a civil war. If it has not been reduced to organized violence, it could be a riot, or merely politics.

What is a conflict between two or more groups within a country?

An internal conflict involves disagreements, grievances, or hostilities between different groups within a country, often based on factors such as ethnicity, religion, or politics. These conflicts can lead to violence, instability, and human rights abuses within the affected nation.

War between two or more groups in one country is called what?

it is called the civil war.

What kind of war is it when two groups from the same country fight?

The question appears to actually ask what is the situation when there is an armed conflict among people in the same country. If the conflict can be called significant, then it is usually termed a civil war.

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A disagreement about beliefs, ideas, or interests is called a conflict. It can arise from differences in opinions, values, or perspectives between individuals or groups. Resolving conflicts often involves communication, compromise, and understanding.

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