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Hello. It is possible you could be pregnant yes. I would do a pregnancy test and also see your doctor for a blood test to confirm the result whether its negative or positive. Good luck.

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Q: You got your period ten days late and its lighter than usual could you be pregnant or should you not worry about it?
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Could you be pregnant if your period was a day early and lighter than usual?


Breast tender thick slimy vaginal discharge lighter period than usual nauseous could i be pregnant?

If not pregnant, lighter periods are due to infertility.

Could I get pregnant if my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex on the third day of my period and now my period is lighter even if he pulled out?

yes, it is possible. get a pregnancy test.

If you were supposed to start your period 2 weeks ago and are currently on it but its lighter then usual could something be wrong?

yes, you could be pregnant take a pregnancy test.

Your fiance has been on her period for about 2 weeks now but she is emotional and the period has been much lighter than she is used too could she be pregnant?

Odds are she is just having an irregular cycle but if you feel that she could be pregnant have her take a home pregnancy test and/or see a Dr.

Your period was five days late then you bled for one day and then lighter bleeding for one day could and then nothing could you still be pregnant?

no cause you never had sex

Blood spotting on period could you be pregnant?

Sometimes women have implantation spotting that they confuse with their period. You should take a pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant.

What if you have your period later then you normally do?

you could be pregnant but there is a chance that it just came later then schedule, Your period will do that. if a week has gone by since you should have started your period i would contact your doctor to see if you are pregnant or not

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could you be pregnant if you period was short and light

Could you get pregnant if you have not gotten your period for 2 months?

could you get pregnant if you have not gotten your period for 2 months?

If a boy nuts in you five days before your period are you pregnant?

You could be. If you miss your period you should take a pregnancy test.

Can you get pregnant at the beginning of your period but he uses a condom?

No. You can't get pregnant if your on your period! You could only get pregnant the week after your pregnant!