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if it was empty and the hole is away from the water

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Q: Would a can of soda float if put in water?
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i think its when you are make a float and you put a soda in it in it foams a float

What would happen when you put a peanut in soda?

well first it will sizzle and pop but then it will cool down and float at the top of the soda.that is it......

Which planet is our solar system would float if you put it in water?

Saturn would float if placed in water due to its low density. Its average density is less than that of water, which would allow it to float.

What would happen if you put lentils in club soda?

the lentils would float to the top and drop back down and then repeat this over and over again

Does playdough float?

it depends how much you put in water but it usually would sink.

Why does club soda have bubbles when you put half raisins in it?

club soda usually has bubbles no matter what you put in there. but when you put the raisins in the club soda, the raisins will dance around because the club soda has carbon. which makes the raisins float or as you say dance.

What will a can of diet soda do if it is put in water?

As long as the can of diet soda remains sealed, it does nothing when you put it in water. The aluminum is not soluble in water, the contents are sealed within, and nothing happens. If you opened the can first and then put it in water, the contents would gradually diffuse into the surrounding water.

What would happen if you put something less dense then water into water what would happen if you put something just as dense as water into water and what would happen if you put something more dense?

If you put something less dense than water into water, it will float. If you put something with the same density as water into water, it will stay suspended at that level. If you put something more dense than water into water, it will sink to the bottom.

How do you make a plastic bottle submarine float then sink and float?

put water in to let it sink... then put air into it to let it float...

Would a Snickers or 3 musketeers float if put in water?

Sigh... If the package had air in it, yes. If not, no.

Why do watermelons float?

put them in the water and see

How do you make an egg float on water?

Put salt in the water