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Q: Will it rain when the relative humidity reaches 100?
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A psychrometer gives the same reading on both thermometers what is the relative humidity?

100% because, let's say that both the thermometers have a reading of 66o degrees celcius. 66o is 100% of 66o, so the relative humidity is 100%.

How long does it take for one milliliter to evaporate?

Depends on the rate of supply of heat and the relative humidity. It could take forever (100% relative humidity), or be almost instantaneous (pour onto a red hot plate with < 100% humidity).

How do use the word relative humidity in a sentence?

Relative humidity means the percentage of water vapor in the air compared to the total amount that could be contained. Or the measure of the amount of water vapor that air is holding compared to the amount it can hold at a specific temperature. This is different at different temperatures. Here are a couple of sentences:1. The relative humidity is 10 percent.2. We studied relative humidity in class.3. Saturation air has a relative humidity of 100 percent.

Do exhaled air have a relative humidity of 100 percent?

Yes. Actually higher than 100% most of the time ... which is why you can see your breath in the winter. (the moisture is condensing)

Why does water stick to the outside of a cup when it's hot?

Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water air is holding to the amount of water it can hold. The warmer air is, the more water it can hold. Therefore, as air temperature drops, relative humidity increases, even when no additional moisture is being added to the air. If the temperature continues to drop after the relative humidity reaches 100%, the excess moisture gets condensed out of the air. That is why dew forms during the night. The cold cup of water cools the air around it by conduction, so that cooler layer of air in contact with the cup loses its ability to hold its moisture, and the excess moisture condenses onto the cup.

Related questions

What is the percent of relative humidity when raining?

Relative humidity can vary during rain, depending on factors such as temperature and amount of precipitation. Generally, during rain, relative humidity tends to be close to 100% due to the presence of moisture in the air from the rain.

Which the relative humidity reaches 100 is also known as what?

When the relative humidity reaches 100%, it is known as the dew point. At this point, the air is saturated with moisture, leading to condensation and potentially fog, dew, or precipitation.

What happens when air reaches its dew points?

relative humidity is 100 percent.

What type of weather is likely to occur when relative humidity reaches 100 percent?

When relative humidity reaches 100 percent, it means the air is holding the maximum amount of water vapor it can. This often leads to the formation of fog, mist, or precipitation, as the air is too saturated to hold any more moisture.

Would the average relative humidity on a rainy day be closer to 100 percent humidity or 50 percent humidity?

The average relative humidity on a rainy day would be closer to 100 percent humidity. Rain adds moisture to the air, increasing the humidity levels to near saturation point. This leads to a higher average relative humidity compared to a non-rainy day.

What is the relative humidity air that has reached its dew point?

When air reaches its dew point, the relative humidity is 100%. At this point, the air is saturated with moisture and can no longer hold additional water vapor, leading to condensation and the formation of dew or fog.

What is the relative humidity when the air temperature is at dew point?

When the air temperature reaches the dew point, water droplets that are in the air become visible. This is how you would get fog. Relative Humidity goes soaring to near 100%.

What is the approximate relative humidity inside a cloud?

The relative humidity inside a cloud is typically close to 100%. Clouds form when air is saturated with water vapor, so the relative humidity is high.

Does humidity effect the weather?

Yes, the higher the humidity, the more chance of rain. 80-100% of humidity is rain.

What is the relative humidity of a place when it is raining?


What will happen if relative humidity is 100 percent and the temperature begins falling?

It will be stiky and unconmfortable

Why does relative humidity rarely reach 100 percent in polluted air conditions?

Pollutants in the air can serve as condensation nuclei, promoting the formation of cloud droplets at lower humidity levels compared to clean air. This can result in clouds forming before humidity levels reach 100 percent. Additionally, pollutants like fine particles can absorb water, reducing the amount available for condensation, which can prevent humidity from reaching 100 percent.