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Q: Why wear rubber gloves when washing clothes?
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Can being sick affect you washing dishes?

No, wear rubber gloves.

Do you wear latex gloves when folding clothes?

yes because you will need protection from the clothes so wear those latex gloves when folding clothes

What happens if a budgie gets stung by a bee?

Wear gloves, don't wear rubber gloves.

Do you wear rubber gloves to wash dishes?


How do you remove mildew off the rubber rim inside the washing machine?

5 percent bleach in water. Wear rubber gloves. Wipe it and all surrounding areas with a washrag and the bleach wash mixture rag.

Is it ok to wear rubber gloves while bagging groceries?

Yes, you could wear rubber gloves when bagging groceries but it may make the task more difficult to perform.

When i have to clean the public toilets i do not wear the required rubber gloves. Is it possible that they can fire me for not wearing gloves?

In a public work places like that it is the law to wear gloves and you will get fired!!

Clothes that chemist's wear?

Chemists typically wear a lab coat to protect their clothing from spills and chemicals. They may also wear safety goggles, gloves, and closed-toe shoes for protection. Additionally, some chemists may wear specialized attire depending on the specific experiments or tasks they are working on.

What types of gloves is recommended for wear when instruments are sanitized?

heavy-duty rubber

Why do electricians wear rubber gloves when working on electric line?

Electricians wear rubber gloves when working on electric lines, to prevent contact with a live wire, which may give an electric shock.

Why should you wear rubber gloves when washing dishes using detergents?

Rubber gloves protect your hands from drying out and becoming irritated due to the harsh chemicals in the detergents. They also provide a barrier against hot water, reducing the risk of burns or scalds while washing dishes. Additionally, wearing gloves can help maintain a better grip on dishes and utensils, making the washing process safer and more efficient.

Why do rubber gloves get so sticky?

Because people wear them to do sticky, yucchy jobs.