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First Newton had many important discoveries. His law of Gravity is the most important. This discovery was important because it provided a theoretical and mathematical basis for Keplar's observations of the motion of the planets. Most important though was the idea that the law of gravity was universal! True throughout the Universe! In addition Newton laid the foundations of the Laws of Mechanics. The current confusion in astronomical physics (dark energy and cosmological constant) are the result of not extending Newton's laws with quaternion energy E=-GmM/r + mcV. Quaternions consists of a real (-GmM/r) and three vectors, mc(ivx + jvy + kvz)=mcV. Newton's real energy is the Gravitational Potential Energy PE= -GmM/r, the Gravitational vector energy is the Kinetic Energy KE=mcV, which Newton did not include in his Gravitational Theory.. Newton's Force Laws are a manifestation of the conservation of gravitational energy. Newton did not include the momentum energy mcV in his Gravitational Energy. This momentum energy provides the centrifugal force to balance the gravitational attraction and create the equilibrium Universe. Conservation of energy means zero acceleration. Newton's first and third law is equivalent to conservation of energy,zero force or zero acceleration. Newton's Second law defines the relation between force and acceleration, F=ma(cceleration). Quaternion energy is the correction to Newton's Laws that will end the confusion of dark energy and the expanding Universe.

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